Legal perspective

WALL has a dedicated team in place which is coordinating WALL’s use of the law, legal procedures and counsel to robustly challenge National Grid’s proposed landfall for LionLink at Walberswick.

The team has been briefed on the two ongoing Judicial Reviews relating to the Friston site and, in the event of it being needed, is identifying our own counsel to represent WALL should we seek application for Judicial Review in relation to the proposal to make landfall at Walberswick.

We are being supported by specialist environmental lawyers who are providing input in relation to the legal implications for National Grid of trying to make landfall and then routing cables through an area with numerous designations – AONB, RAMSAR, SSSI, SPA, SAC - to name a few.

We are collaborating with SEAS (Suffolk Energy Action Solutions) and SASES (Substation Action Save East Suffolk) to identify areas where it makes sense to coordinate our efforts, in particular in relation to shifting policy to focus on the use of an offshore grid and existing brownfield sites for landfall.

We will be making use of our ability under the Environmental Information Regulations to access information held by National Grid in relation to its proposals for Walberswick.

We are working closely with both the Walberswick Parish Council and the Walberswick Common Lands Charity, both of which are formulating their own detailed responses to the LionLink proposals to make landfall at Walberswick.

In all of this we are being supported by a network of solicitors, barristers and other specialists with expertise in planning, environmental issues and litigation.